Starting a new brand is one of the most difficult things one can do. It’s no surprise that so few startup CPG brands succeed.
You’ve done hard work to get where you are. But you feel stuck.
Every time you talk to someone about your brand or try to make hard decisions or decide where to invest, you struggle focus on what’s most important.
How do you explain to others why you are doing this work? How do you quickly express what you hope to accomplish/the mark you want to leave in the world?
This makes you feel overwhelmed and stressed.
Brand Fundamentals
for startups
the framework
VIP day
During our time together, we train you and your team on the fundamentals - what they are and how to use them. Then, we work through each of them one by one, discussing each element of the fundamentals, until we have identified the essence of your brand
Post workshop, we deliver close-to-final drafts of your fundamentals and work with you to finalize them.
The final deliverable is your Brand Fundamentals Book to be used with all employees, partners, vendors, agencies, investors and more.​
We work together to get to your brand fundamentals.
Startup Brand
emerging Brand
Greater than 2 years old or greater than $1,000,000 in revenue
2 day workshop, up to 10 participants
Plus 4 hours of follow up calls
Less than 2 years old or less than $1,000,000 in revenue
1 day workshop, up to 3 participants
Plus 2 hours of follow up calls
diy Coaching
We get to the basics of your brand.
We help you find your brand fundamentals on a company needs basis.​
small biz Brand
Best for brands with less than 6 months or less than $100,000 in revenue
4 hours of training and coaching on the first three fundamentals: purpose, mission and positioning - broken up into 4 separate meetings.
Plus, 2 rounds of email feedback on final documents.
The kg in KGC
Kathy provides hand-held guidance that unlocks clarity and confidence so you feel empowered.
I believe in startups as the lifeline of innovation and am committed to your success. I am passionate about making you feel empowered. And I specialize in working with women and minority-owned brands.
I have 20 years of brand building experience with iconic brands such as Frito Lay, Snapple, and Nature Made, as well as growth brands like Wakati, LALA, and Hella. I’ve worked with over 25 Consumer Packaged Goods categories, as well as other consumer and business categories and brands.
With my experience I’ve built proprietary frameworks and processes that make the process logical and easy to understand, so you can get to fundamentals you believe in and can feel good about sharing with the world.